1、姿势 attitude gesticulation poise pose posture 同义词 姿态 例句 To assume a threatening stance. 作恫吓姿势采取有威胁性的站姿 Shooting positions for the rifle event are standing position, kneeling position and prone position. 步枪项目射击姿势有立姿、跪姿和卧姿。
2、 The stiff and attentive stance taken by a hunting dog. 警觉的立姿猎狗所采取的僵硬而定神贯注的姿势 I only know it is one of the shooting positions for the rile event. 我只知道卧姿是步枪项目射击姿势的一种。
3、 To assume a pose. 摆姿势。